

精品推荐 —— 玛瑙玉镯

2024-03-18 12:51分类:茶叶资讯 阅读:


Recommended products - green agate bracelet

*本次藏品 玛瑙玉镯


Chrysoprase, also known as green agate, is a gemstone. The English name chrysoprase comes from the Greek words "chrysos" and "prason", which means gold and leeks. Fibrous quartz containing nickel, usually apple green, can be seen in varying degrees of shades, and is translucent. Green agate is an ore with a quasi-crystalline structure. The crystal is very fine and impurities cannot be seen under normal magnification. It is extremely delicate. Green agate is different from other crystals that are transparent and carved into six sides, such as white crystal, amethyst, citrine, etc. Green agate is expensive because of its color, not the processing technology. Green agate is quite rare and has an attractive color. It is one of the most valuable quartz minerals and is popular among international brands such as Cartier, Fabergé and Hemmerle. It ranks tenth among the precious gems in Western culture and is the twelfth One of the precious stones that formed the base of the walls of Jerusalem!



Recently, our company collected an agate jade bracelet with an inner diameter of 62mm. The agate jade bracelet in this collection is in good condition, with delicate overall structure, uniform color tone and moderate transparency. In ancient times, people believed that wearing agate bracelets could ward off evil spirits, bring good luck, and ensure peace. Green agate means fortune and fortune. Green has a similar meaning to "lu", meaning fortune and fortune. Green agate can not only bring blessings, but also strengthen the body. Career luck can bring one's career to a higher level and achieve success. As an elegant and healthy gemstone jewelry, agate bracelets not only imply good luck and have unique aesthetic value, but also have certain art collection value.


Please contact Sichuan Junzailai Auction Group Co., LTD for information about the above collections.


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